I've been trying to make sure I am justifying all the money I spend on outdoor gear so I put together a little camping trip to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore last weekend. I went there in September with my school (for the middle school retreat) and found it to be particularly beautiful and interesting. I also am incredibly fond of jumping down dunes. It's great to be able to get away to some pretty sweet natural setting without driving more than two hours, and considering that the National Park is located between a steel mill and two power plants, the whole place is truly incredible. They claim (I say it as if they aren't for real) that there are eight separate ecosystems within the park (dunes, oak savannas, swamps, bogs, marshes, prairies, rivers and forests). We were able to cover most of these in the two short days we spent there and each one was truly beautiful. I am hoping to get out again before the year is over for a weekend in Kettle Morraine, Wisconsin and possibly stay in a yurt or a teepee.

One of the power plants in the area, as viewed from Mt. Baldy
Falling off of Mt. Baldy
Trash we found on the beach
Dune burpees!!
This is how ladies walk through the oak savannah
S'mores with tortilla chips, giant marshmallows and dark chocolate = best idea ever
Coffee in bed.
Lake Burpees!
The water was beautiful in October!!
And of course, jumping down the dunes!!
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