Wednesday, February 3, 2010

adorable/Awkward/Hilarious/WTF?! child moment of the day

So this little boy (a first grader) comes up to me during lunch to inform me that some of the people sitting at his table at lunch just said that god is a made up concept and anyone who believes in god is stupid - yes, the lunchroom conversations at this school involve religion and philosophy mixed with the usual shit talking. He went on to say that they were certainly entitled to their opinion but that he "is a Christian" and found it offensive that they would say that kind of thing. He also mentioned that he knew that "they are Christians" and that they ought to be more respectful of their religion. Finishing his statement he asked me if I would go over there and tell them that what they were saying is wrong and that god does exist.

Sometimes I think these kids take on a little too much emotional baggage...

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Your school sounds freakier than the one in Children of the Corn.

I've never actually seen that movie. I have no idea if there is a school.