Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adorable/Awkward/Hilarious/WTF?! child moment of the day

Today, while in the second lunch period (I'm the lunch lady on Tuesdays) which is when the kindergartners come in, a whole table inquired if I had a girlfriend. Catching me at one of the rare times in my life when I actually have a real (real meaning not a famous movie star or singer who I claim wants to be my girlfriend) significant other, I proudly said, "Well yes I do, little girl." I actually didn't say "little girl," as that would be creepy, but I don't want to use her real name. The conversation that followed contained the typical kindergartner questions of if I was going to marry her, how old she was (their first guess was 37, because that was how old they guessed I was, which is funny considering I'm pretty sure we had a "guess Mr. Awesome's age" session last week at lunch during which they were aiming up in the 45 year old range- it must be the beard), etc. However, they quickly got bored with talking about me and decided to move on to the more interesting topic of talking about themselves and their relationships, which is awesome because, remember they are 5 years old (some are 4). One of the young ladies decided to tell me that, well she had two boyfriends. She then named them and pointed to them, as they were both sitting at the table across from her. I just want to point out that this girl, who is totally playing these two boys, just blatantly says it in front of them, like it's no big deal. Then one of the boys who she singled out as one of her two boyfriends replies, "Yeah, but it's not like we're going to get married or anything." Another boy jibes back, "yeah right, you're her fiance," which he pronounces adorably incorrectly. We then went on to chat, back and forth, about how it's cool that they're just playing the field and having a good time right now, and that, yeah, they're just not ready to get serious yet.

It's nice to hear that there are some people out there who are comfortable and open about where they're at in life. I found it refreshing to hear, even if it was from a group of five year olds.

P.S. After this delightful conversation ended, a girl from another table came over to tell me that she had two boyfriends and one girlfriend, who they were, and why she liked them. Awesome!


Sara said...

So I can finally tell you about Bill and Denise...whew! It's off my chest!

Cass said...

Once a kid and his buddies, probably 6-8, I was chatting with at the park asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said, "Yes, I do." Then he asked me how old I was. I told him 27. He asked if I had kids. I said, "Oh no, not yet. Not until after I'm married." He replies, "You're on the right track." "Well, yes, I supposed I am." :)

Caleb said...

Please tell me the kids actually call you Mr. Awesome.