A student, let's call him Saul, he's about 13 years old and just under six feet tall, showed up at the door of the computer lab today ready to take his make up, standardized reading test. I saw him pacing back and forth in front of the door out in the hallway. When I went over to let him in he had that "I'm-13-and-I'm-making-this-decision-into-a-big-deal-even-though-I-know-it-isn't-but-I-can't-help-it-what-do-I-do?!" look about him. He was holding a balled up grey... hair-ball looking thing and fiddling with it nervously. I asked him if he was ready to come in and start his test, to which he replied: "Yeah, but can I bring in my beard? I'm not supposed to wear it during school so I keep in in my pocket." I gave him a WTF look followed by an IDGAF (sorry couldn't resist) look and ushered him into the lab. He began stuffing the beard, which contained enough fake hair to cover most people's heads (I believe it was some sort of Socrates kind of style), into his pocket as he walked over to the computer I had set up for him. He is now sitting there with half a very large beard-wig sticking out of the pocket of his jeans which are too short for him.
P.S. I know of only perhaps two, count them, TWO, boys who attend this school who's pants are not at least two inches too short.
This kid sounds pretty cool. I might have told him he wasn't allowed to keep the beard during the test and played with it myself though.
Two inches too short how? Like highwaters? Is that the new trend or something?
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