Monday, September 15, 2008


There are a few things I want to do, and for the next couple of months it looks like I'm going to have plenty of time on my hands so I figured I'd put them out there to help remind myself.  They are as follows, in no particular order:

-Learn how to play the harmonica
-Apply to at least three grad schools
-Learn Spanish
-Frame my posters
-Finish The Incredible Lightness of Being
-Blog once a week
-Watch less TV

I'm sure there are a few more, but that's a good start.  Ok off to scour the resale shops of the earth for frames that will fit my posters.

1 comment:

Cass said...

jay m. knows a little bit about the harmonica AND i just bought 2 learn to speak spanish cds. one is an mp3 only, which i actually can't use and got by mistake, the other is a learn in your car one. you're welcome to snag them and put them on your pc. I. Yo. Yo. Yo. You Tu Tu Tu. You Usted. Usted. Usted. We nosotros. nosotros. nosotros. it's good, real good BUENO!!!